
Showing posts from January, 2020

Thursday Blog

Today in class we talked about valid and invalid.  It is invalid to say all black people like chicken. Just because Sarah is black she like chicken. This is invalid because not all black people like chicken. It is valid to say  all vegetarian don’t eat meat. Sarah is a vegetarian so that means she doesn’t eat meat. This is valid because it is true. This lesson was hard to understand at first but then I caught on to it and enjoyed it.

Tuesday Blog

Today in class we talked about purpose. We also talked about self identity. I believe that my purpose in life is to move my family to a higher class in society. I believe this is my purpose because my grandmother was a low class and my mom is middle, it’s only make since if I become a high class in society. To have ownership of yourself, you must first understand your true self. It’s was a good lesson and I enjoyed class today.

Monday Blog

Today in class, we watched a animated  writing from Kobe Bryant. In the video it talked about basketball. Kobe gave his all to basketball. He dreamed about being a laker since the age of 6.  He also talked about when it was time to let basketball go but he stated that he would always love basketball. It was a interesting lesson, due to the fact of his recent death.

Thursday Blog

Today in class we took a quiz. It was a very short quiz. The topic of the passage was book clubs. It was hard for me to understand the topic but it was a easy read. She looked over some answers and I feel confident about the next quiz we take. I had a successful day and I learnt a lot about book clubs and the evolution of them.

Weds Blog

Today in class we wrote 2 paragraphs. Our teacher was out and this was our task for the day. My paragraphs talked about certainty and doubt.

Thursday Blog

Today in class we talked about certainty. Through  doubt there is certainty. Today in class, I talked about a mother having doubt on a new house.  She was certain that it was coming to come.  She had saved up all  but could find a home.  She spent  months  of  looking for a house but couldn’t find one. This created  doubt  for mother. After years of renting a  house, she was certain to find one.   This was doubt  there is certainty. This was a good lesson today.

Tuesday blog

Today in class we talked about faith and doubt. Everyone believes in faith’s, if they are religious. Faith is  to believe in the unseen. You have to believe 100% though. I have faith that I am black. I am 100 percent certain that I am black. Doubt is the opposite of faith. I doubt that my mom is gonna like my report card. This was a very good lesson and I learnt the true meaning of faith and doubt.

Monday’s Blog

Today in class,  we  played four corners. We played four corners, but in a argumentative way. We had a strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.  Based on the topic, you got a  chance to pick a corner. My favorite topic was,  Kids should be able to spend there allowance freely. I went to corner D ( strongly disagree )  because  it teaches responsibility. When kids turn into adults with bad spending habits because it started at a young age.  Overall today was a good day and I enjoyed  playing four corners.


Today in class we talked about fallacy again. Today we talked about some new fallacy. We also talked how politics stretch  the truth.  We also talked about money and how to save money. At a vending machine cost 1.25$  a coke  and a 6 pack cost 2.50. We also talked about all natural products. Some products don’t be all natural. This lesson was beneficial  to me because it taught me how to find fallacy in certain products.

Thursday Blog

Today in class, we talked about our blogs. Our blogs were not acceptable on a AP level.   This topic hit me hard because my blogs were not on a AP level. I always settle for just enough but deep down I know that I can achieve excellence.  The later on in the class, we did a group project about fallacy. Our group  word was Post Hoc(false clause).  Post hoc is saying just because B is after A, means that A caused B.I directed  our project and we made a skit. In our skit  we acted like we was fighting just because AP was hard but in reality we were fighting about a girl.

Tuesday Blog

Today in class we talked  about fallacy. My favorite one was “Post hoc”. Post hoc ( false cause) is assuming that just because B comes after A, means that A caused B.

First day Back

Today in class we talked about successful people. In class talked about how you don’t have to be smart to be successful.  There are some some smart people out there that are not successful. You have to put in effort to be successful.